Nessun dorma, invito all’opera  Rassegna stampa

Nessun dorma, invito all’opera
Rassegna stampa

“Nessun dorma, invito all’opera” celebra le opere italiane più amate dal grande pubblico. Al Parioli sotto forma di racconto teatrale. Veronica Pivetti ci conduce alla scoperta della vita e delle opere dei grandi compositori italiani, intrecciando...
L’ispettore Coliandro is ready for season 8

L’ispettore Coliandro is ready for season 8

The Manetti Bros are back on the set: Inspector Coliandro, one of the most iconic characters of Italian television, is ready for new adventures! The bungling and kind hearted cop will be back on air in four new episodes, written as always by creator Carlo Lucarelli...
Great season opening for La Porta Rossa 2

Great season opening for La Porta Rossa 2

Rai 2 cult series La Porta Rossa’s much awaited debut had a great first impact: it reached 12.5% share in prime time. The fiction sees Inspector Coliandro (Lino Guanciale) fight from the brink of death to protect his wife Anna Mayer (Gabriella Pession). The first...

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